The Castillo de Monterrei at Verín

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Verín is a small and quiet city in Galicia, to the northwest of Spain, surrounded by the Monterrei wine region, but with diminishing agricultural importance. The only real reason to come here is to visit the imposing Castillo de Monterrei that looms over the city like an ever watchful, ageing guardian. Once upon a time, this ...

24 Hours in Vienna

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While 24 hours is never truly enough time in any city or place, if it's all you've got, you just need to make the most of it! Everyone will have a different opinion on what to do with each precious hour, so this obviously isn't the ultimate list - it's just my list! Whatever you ...

Martin Muñoz de las Posadas

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The vast plains and craggy mountains of Spain are scattered with tiny villages. Some are totally abandoned, others are still home to a few widows, veiled in black and toothless wrinkled men, who patiently wait for the weekends when their children and grandchildren bring them company and much needed supplies from the big cities. Whenever we ...

Dark Angels at Copenhagen Rundetårn

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29 August – 27 September 2015 at Copenhagen Rundetårn Though I'm not personally a fashionista (I would happily spend the rest of my life alternating between a summery white cotton dress or jodphurs & cowboy boots) this exhibition would stun anyone. This is the first showing of one of Denmark's most famous designers - Roy Krejberg - in Denmark (he was previously ...