A series of interviews with and stories about the people I have encountered who have fascinated or inspired me in some way or another, with their travel adventures, enchanting stories or raw talent. I decided to start this series after I was featured on the blog FOOD, so I’ll begin these interviews by copying over my own Q&A.
Sarah Alexandra George – Food & Travel Blogger and Aspiring Writer
Joe Cannon – 82 Years of Cowboy
Ebony Horse Club – Giving Young People a Leg-Up in Life
Ben Atkinson – Stunt Rider & Horse Trainer – Atkinson Action Horses
Farokh Khorooshi – Saviour of the Caspian Horse
Hugh MacDermott – Trail Ride Guide & Adopted Gaucho – MacDermott’s Argentina
The Gypsy & Roma Folk of Appleby Horse Fair
Sue Gessey – The Woman Who Heals Horses with Reiki, Flower Remedies & Body Language
Humanitarian Work
Aki Ra – Former Child Soldier who is Clearing Cambodia of Land Mines One by One
Martial Arts
Ajarn Lek – Master of Muay Chaiya, a Traditional Thai Martial Art
Israel – Rapper & Plumber from Brixton
December 30, 2014
Dear Sarah,
I have followed The Trail of Cortes….enjoyed your article and photos.
You might have an interest in a photo-journal: Extremadura, Spain Cradle of the Conquistadors.
Sorry it’s only available on Kindle, which makes it inexpensive and photos are then in COLOR.
Your riding…made me wonder…have you visited the west of Ireland where there are fine places to ride along the beach.
Best regards,
Dick Davis
December 30, 2014
Hi Dick, thanks for the lovely comment – glad you liked the article, it really was a spectacular exhibition!
The photo-journal sounds wonderful, i’ll make sure to look it up! 🙂
I havent yet been to the west coast of Ireland unfortunately, but I am half Irish and my extended family train race horses and breed draught horses in Wexford! Are you from the west, and if so are there any places in particular you’d suggest visiting?
Thanks – have a lovely day!