Québec City, T’es ben chix: 10 Reasons to Visit

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Québec City or Ville de Québec is one of the most charming, and arguably overlooked cities in Canada. Though year after year it tops the 'best places to visit in Canada' lists, it's still relatively unknown in the UK. The 400-year-old historic city sitting on the banks of the St. Lawrence River blends old-world sensibility (cobbled streets, colonial ...

The Cotswolds Distillery

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I spent the past weekend cycling in the Cotswolds, a slightly harebrained scheme, considering how hilly the English countryside is. The pain of peddling up all those hills was completely made up for though by the destination: The Cotswolds Distillery. This idyllically situated distillery is one of the few in the UK, where Mary and Janice, ...

Cooking with Joe

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At 82 years old, there are few things that Joe Cannon hasn't mastered. All the typical cowboy tricks of course, how to ride a horse, how to move cattle, how to lasso a coyote, how to survive on biscuits and canned plums for a week in the snow when you're only 8 years old and ...